FROM THE PULPIT SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C SCRIPTURE: Genesis 18: 1-10a; Psalm 15; Colossians 1: 24-28; Luke 10: 38-42. REFLECTION: The Hospitality of Abraham and Mary Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp.
Hospitality is a spiritual disposition rooted on profound generosity that enables a person to welcome another person in a holistic way. That is, a hospitable person receives another individual and all that such a person may offer in terms of ideas and material goods. The other person is generally a stranger or a guest.
Hospitality is one of the qualities that should distinguish a Church. It should be a quality of a Christian. “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” 2Cor 9: 6. This statement of Saint Paul on Christian generosity helps us understand that we need to be opened to the grace of God through a spirit of hospitality.
Abraham exemplifies such a person in the story found in the book of Genesis 18:1-10a. He doesn’t see the three strangers as a threat but as an opportunity for him to show generosity and kindheartedness. Abraham encountered them and engaged them in conversation leading his guests to self-disclosure. Because of Abraham’s kind disposition, the strangers brought good fortune to his household: “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife shall have a son” (Gen. 18: 10a). Abraham welcomed angels without knowing it. His hospitality enabled him to catch up the moment of God’s visitation. God brought salvation to Abraham; Sarah will bear a son, a child of promise.
Sarah, like Martha in the Gospel, was busy with the serving. Martha missed the opportunity of knowing more about the Lord Jesus even though she was performing a vital function of providing bodily nourishment. We hear also from Martha’s complaint about her sister a human desire of trying to compare oneself to another person. The Lord Jesus praised Mary’s choice to listen to Christ’s word; it will not be taken away from her. For the Word of Christ gives truth and life.
Let us imitate Abraham and Mary in their openness to the grace of God. Let us welcome every person that God sends our way. Let us be a welcoming Church to all strangers as angels of God.