FROM THE PULPIT SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: KING OF THE UNIVERSE. SCRIPTURE: Daniel 7: 13-14; Psalm 93; Revelation 1: 5-8; John 18: 33b – 37. REFLECTION: Christ’s Reign over the Universe. Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp.
We celebrate today the kingship of Jesus Christ over the whole universe. Jesus inaugurated the manifestation of his universal rule when he was born of the Blessed Mother Mary. The Kingdom is in its process of overcoming evil and the world. Christ reigns in the consciousness of every person who believes in Him. The lifestyle of such a person who has accepted Jesus as one’s king reflects the values of the Kingdom of God.
From the days of Moses to the period of Samuel, the Seer and Judge, the People of Israel or the Israelites did not have a human king. They acknowledged God as their only King. Then Israel pressured Samuel to anoint a human king who would rule over Israel like other nations did. Samuel anointed Saul son of Kish from Benjamin as King over Israel (1 Samuel 10: 1). After the successive reigns of Saul, David and Solomon, the kingdom experienced a split into South and North during the rule of Rehoboam. Then, the Assyrians destroyed the Northern Kingdom, Israel around the year 722/721 BCE. The Southern Kingdom, Judah, succumbed to the Neo-Babylonian Empire in the year 587/586 BCE (Before Christian Era). The reality of the kingdom in Israel disappeared but its people continued to long and hope for one that would be divine and firm forever. Meanwhile, different empires succeeded each other depending on which one was strong. In the days of Jesus of Nazareth, the Roman Empire made the rule in the land of Israel. Jesus’ preaching about the Kingdom of God, met the aspirations and hopes of his compatriots who called him, rightly or wrongly, Son of David.
The detractors of Jesus used the symbol or imagery of the kingdom to accuse him to Pilate, official the Roman Empire as being a rebel to the establishment. Jesus preached frequently on the Kingdom of God. The concept of the Kingdom of God went beyond any earthly territory. It encompassed the entire universe beyond time and space. Prophet Daniel envisioned such a universal rule and ruler, the Son of Man. The Book of Revelation assures us that the sacrifice of Jesus incorporated us in the Kingdom where we become agents of bringing about the fulfillment of the Kingdom yet to be fully manifested. In the conversation between Jesus and Pilate, Jesus made a point to distinguish the dimension of his rule. “If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to Jews.” (John 18:36). But Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth; that God is one and reigns over the whole universe. Pilate’s question about the truth shows that he was on the side of those who did not accept Jesus’ testimony. Jesus’ presence meant the actualization of the kingdom of God. And those who believe in him embrace the kingdom. This kingdom is a reign of peace, love and joy. Members of the Kingdom follow Jesus’ way of life. It is imperative for every one of us to reflect on the core values that dominate us, guide our choices and daily actions.
The Church proposes this great feast of Christ King of the Universe in order to remind us that God will have the last say just as he had the first Word that created the universe.