FROM THE PULPIT FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20; Ps. 95; 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35; Mark 1 : 21-28 REFLECTION: The Authority of Jesus’ Teaching. Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp.
“All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority”” (Mk 1:27). The lesson of today’s Gospel follows immediately upon last Sunday’s Gospel reading. From the call of the disciples, Jesus proceeds to introduce them to the mission; he unveils the Word of God and makes manifest the presence of God’s Reign.
The evangelist Mark shows us Christ Jesus teaching with authority and even healing those who were sick and possessed, all of which show the purpose of Jesus' coming to earth. We are told that there was a man with an unclean spirit in the synagogue. Isn’t this interesting and surprising! Can you imagine such a presence in a Church? Oh, yes. A human spirit becomes unclean when it creates resistance to the holiness of God.
In the encounter of Jesus with the possessed man, the unclean spirit knows and fears the power of Jesus to destroy his influence. The unclean spirit tries to create a diversion and a distraction by identifying Jesus, “I know who you are – the Holy One of God”. The demoniac declaration here is not a confession but an attempt to ward off Jesus’ power, reflecting the notion that use of the precise name of an opposing spirit would guarantee mastery over him. Jesus silenced the cry of the unclean spirit and drove him out of the man.
This demonic man was in the synagogue from the start, but after hearing the Word of Jesus Christ, the demons began to persecute the possessed man. Here is the presence of greater power, the power of Jesus Christ's presence shaking the demons. The demoniac is threatened and begins to shout and complain. Jesus Christ has come to break all the power of this devil and His kingdom. Jesus’ word transforms into deed. Jesus doesn’t communicate a message from someone else; Jesus possesses the Word; he is the Word. He teaches in his name. He communicates what he and the father and the Holy Spirit reveal to the world.
Beloved brothers and sisters, Jesus invites us through this Sunday liturgy to open ourselves to the power of the Gospel and the spirit of holiness that lead us to have a new attitude and a new life-a life in the spirit of God. Jesus Christ has come so that we may have life and true happiness. It is by listening to and living His Word we will be free from the power of the evil one. An unclean demon may still want to rule your life; he wants to continue to be the voice leading your mind. Remember that Jesus is standing at the door of your heart and knocking. Let Jesus’ word enter your heart and you will recover your freedom as a child of God.
It is not enough to hear and return to live as usual, to live according to the dictates of the evil one, for then we are not true Christians, not Christ like friends. A friend and true believer is one who agrees to grow, who admits to changing his life by being closer and closer to God and neighbor.