During the coronavirus social distancing we are making every attempt to keep up with our family faith formation program and our RCIA program. So far, I have used texting as a means to at least get everybody watching the Sunday mass together as it is live streamed from the Archdiocese. This past week I sent links to the children for gospel coloring pages as well as an online Stations of the Cross for children. Parents can use these tools to keep Their children’s faith formation alive. I am working on finding out what technology is in each home in order to find out what electronic means we can use for better two way communication of class material. Yesterday I attended a webinar with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati offering ideas on communication during these difficult times. We are doing a similar thing with RCIA. There are online videos that go with their workbooks, so they are able to continue this at home. I plan to use FaceTime phone conversations to do follow up with the two young ladies.