A very special thank you for the beautiful decorating of the church for Christmas!
Live Christmas trees were donated by Dan & Gail Brockman.
Don Tomczak, Larry Schwieterman, Ralph Westgerdes , Carl Meyer, and Logan Myers did most of the heavy lifting and setting up the live Christmas trees. Don hung the wreaths on the outside of the church. Larry and Ralph lit up the altar area. Larry and Doris Schwieterrman added a special Christmas touch to the outdoor planters. Jackie Lovegren and Sandi Prikkel draped the evergreen roping through the Mary Arbor and through the bushes.
Doris, Wanda Royer and Anafel arranged and maintained the inside flowers. Karen Tomczak, Anafel and Carl, Logan Myers, and Carol Prikkel took part in decorating the tree in the Narthex.
Jackie, Charlotte Minnelli, Carol, and Logan set up the artificial tree backdrop and the crèche for the Nativity. Jackie, Charlotte, Carol and Sandi arranged the foreground and final touches to the Nativity scene.
This was Logan’s first year to help with decorating. Logan was mindful of everything going on during the preparation so that in future years, he can jump in wherever he is needed.
And last, but not least, Carl ran the vacuum, which was a new gift to the church from Larry and Doris. Thanks to all involved!