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Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church
Dayton, OH
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Letter form Fr. Benoit
Tuesday May 20, 2020
Dear Parishioners,
We are really looking forward to resuming public masses with you in Region Two beginning
with our regular weekday Mass schedule on Tuesday May 26, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.! (See attached
schedule for Mass times and locations).
The Catholic faithful who reside in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati continue to be dispensed from
the obligation of attending Sunday Mass. Those who are at risk or very concerned that they
might become sick are encouraged to stay home and join the Church by viewing live-streamed
Masses available through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati or other local parishes.
Those who wish to participate in Mass and receive Holy Communion can do so on a weekly
basis by attending one of the scheduled regional Masses during the week. This will help us to
accommodate our parishioners at different Masses throughout the week (not just the
weekend). Please select one of our scheduled weekly Masses to attend.
Region II’s Guidelines:
A limited number of people will be allowed in each church building at any given
Mass time.
We will try our best to accommodate those who arrive at any of the Masses, but
please embrace the expectation that the occupancy limit may already be
reached. Especially if arriving shortly before or after the Mass start-time. For the health
and safety of others, please be gracious if you are unable to enter due to full occupancy.
If you are sick or exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home.
Only one door will be open to enter each church. At Corpus Christi Church the
parking lot ramp door (Madonna Room) and the side parking lot door with the ramp at
Our Lady of Mercy Church will be used. At Queen of Martyrs, all will enter by the front
door as customary. An usher/greeter will be available to open the door for you or it will
be propped open. As always, any door in either church can at any time be used, if
necessary, as an exit.
As you enter each church use the available Hand Sanitizer.
Please wear a mask, if you are able, to ensure your safety and the safety of those
around you.
Seating has been arranged and marked for the required 6-feet social distancing.
Families who live in the same household may and should sit together occupying the same
pew or more.
At the Sign of Peace there will be no physical contact.
At Communion please follow the directions given:
At Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Mercy follow the markings on the floor to
maintain a six foot distance. At this time we will have only one Communion line
with Fr. Benoit distributing the Body of Christ. Fr. Benoit, the deacon, and server
will wash and sanitize their hands and wear a mask before distributing Holy
At Queen of Martyrs parishioners will stay in place. Father Benoit and Deacon
Skip will move through the empty rows to distribute the Body of Christ. You
may sanitize your hands with your own sanitizer before and after receiving
communion. Fr. Benoit, the deacon, and server will wash and sanitize their hands
and wear a mask before distributing Holy Communion.
We will only have one lector to minimize contact with the microphone and books at
the ambo.
Ushers will pass out bulletins after Sunday Masses. They will be wearing masks and
have sanitized their hands. The bulletins will also be available online at
OurLadyofGraceDayton.org and qmdayton.org
We will sanitize our churches between each Mass so they are clean for when you
For the Sacrament of Reconciliation please call the office to make an appointment so
we can accommodate you safely.
At this time our Choir, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Family Faith and all other
activities are on hold. The online Faith Formation will continue at Queen of Martyrs.
RCIA will be online for Our Lady of Grace.
This is all new to us and we are working hard to follow the guidelines set forth by the
Archdiocese and the State of Ohio so that we can once again worship together and do so in
safety. As we move forward and learn we will inform you of any changes and updates to
attending Mass. When attending a Mass at any of the Region Two churches please respect any
practices that may exist.
If you have any questions please call the OLG Parish Center (937) 274-2107 or Queen of
Martyrs Church (937) 277-2092 or email us at info@ourladyofgracedayton.org or
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
Region II
Mass Schedule (Subject to change)
1st Sunday of the Month**
Sat 4:30 PM Our Lady of Mercy Church
Sun 9:00 AM Corpus Christi Church
Sun 11:00 AM Queen of Martyrs Church
Sun 5:30 PM Corpus Christi Church
2nd thru Last Sunday of the Month
Sat 4:30 PM Corpus Christi Church
Sun 9:00 AM Our Lady of Mercy Church
Sun 11:00 AM Queen of Martyrs Church
Sun 5:30 PM Corpus Christi Church
Tue 8:30 AM Corpus Christi Church
Wed 8:30 AM Our Lady of Mercy Church
Thurs 8:30 AM Queen of Martyrs Church
** A Saturday Mass falling on the last day of a month is considered a 1st Sunday Mass