FROM THE PULPIT SUNDAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY – YEAR C SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 8: 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15. REFLECTION: Sharing in the glory of God. Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp. Today, we celebrate the full revelation of God in his three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Epistle to the Hebrews declares in its very beginning verses that, in times past, God revealed himself partially and in various forms but now through his Son, who is the very refulgence, the very imprint of his being (He 1:1-3). The only means for us to know God is through his self-disclosure or revelation. The people of the Old Testament were not privileged to know the reality of the Holy Trinity; but we who belong to the New Covenant have been blessed to contemplate the mystery of the Triune God. However, throughout the centuries, God who had disclosed himself as creator and source of all, hinted to some other realities of his being. I would like to center this reflection by asking two simple questions, what does God tell us about Himself? What does God say about us? In today’s first reading (Prov.8: 22-31}, Wisdom is spoken in a personified manner as being of God, closer to God and delighting in human beings. Here wisdom is not addressed as a quality of God but as an individual. Hence, this passage is considered by students and specialists of the Bible as pointing to Jesus, the Logos, Word of God found in the Gospel according to John 1: 1-12. Thus, God unfolded himself as wisdom to the people of the First Testament and as Word and Son to the people of the New Testament. With Jesus having come to fulfill all the previous revelations, God manifests himself as Father and Jesus as his only begotten Son. In the Gospel passage, Jesus tells about his relationship with the Holy Spirit and with the Father. What belongs to the Father belongs to the Son The Holy Spirit will take what belongs to Jesus and declare it to the disciples. All three persons receive the same glory and honor. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and the truth that the Holy Spirit will reveal to the disciples will be that which the Father and the Son want revealed. In this interaction between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God shows us the perfect communion that exists among them. The unity and communion of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit overflow to the believers. The believers receive justification and are at peace with the Father through Jesus Christ his Son who became a man. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary, we who believe in Him have the hope of eternal glorification. The Epistle to the Romans follows up by saying that we rejoice in the hope of sharing the glory of God. Even in our experience of suffering, we rejoice because we are assured of endurance, character and hope; and hope will never fail us. Therefore, beloved of Christ, let us adore and contemplate the One God in three persons. Through his overflowing communion, God has made us little less than angels and crowned us with honor and glory. Wonderful is his name that we celebrate today and every day of our lives. His unity calls us to live in a union of love, hope and faith. ![]() |