Faith informs us of the existence of realities not-yet-seen. Faith helps us to see through what is visible (Jesus of Nazareth) the reality that cannot be seen (God). That means faith gives us insight into the matters of God who is invisible. It gives us the conviction of the existence of things yet to come and the assurance of the promises of God. Empowered by faith, we journey through life braving obstacles, hardships and frustrations to attain a glorious destination. Faith assures us the glorious destiny.
William Henry Gates II, a lawyer and philanthropist saw his son drop from his second year at Harvard University from where he expected him to graduate and become a lawyer. To his greatest surprise, his son announced to him that he was going to work on making software. What kind of soft, did you say son? Gates Sr. retorted.
Indeed, what the younger Gates was planning to make was going to be something intangible and invisible that has been inexistent in human history. It was smaller than the mustard seed of Jesus’ story. The younger Gates III and his friend Allen became the founders of Microsoft at the age of 20. In the early days, his products could not sell and many users copied the software freely to one another. Through hard work, sleepless nights and frustrations, the younger Gates pursued the development of Microsoft software. He deeply believed in the future value and usefulness of the software under development. Today 46 years later, Gates’ software is purchased and used by one and a half billion people. This is how it is with the Kingdom of God.
Jesus chose to tell this parable of the farmer and the mustard seed to his disciples to teach them a great lesson of partnership with God, patience and perseverance. They had worked so hard and the hope for transformation had not yet happened. Though the beginning of a mustard seed and the work of farming are modest and require time and patience, its final height is awesome. The work of God grows from a tender shoot to a majestic cedar (Ezekiel 17: 22-23); from a basket of seed to tones of harvested produce and from a tiny seed to a large tree. It is also like a mustard seed, though a tiny small seed grows into a large bush that becomes a home to birds. While the farmer sees only a seed but works trustfully hoping to see a tree, God is at work with him. The farmer does not manage and understand every detail in the process of growth and transformation of the seed into a tree but he works by faith and not by sight. God’s Kingdom is like the work of farming; work of cooperation between man and God.
So it has been with the mission of proclaiming the Good News of the Lord Jesus throughout the Christian centuries. At first, the Christian community was neglected by the enemies of the Lord Jesus. But the disciples remain steadfast and devoted to the Risen Lord believing in his promise, “I will be with you until the end of the ages” Matthew 28:20. Then, they laughed at them. Later, when they started noticing the effects of the disciples’ teaching, the enemies of the Lord turned hostile to the Church. With the invisible working presence of the Risen Lord, the disciples were empowered to enable the Church to grow and the reign of God overtake many nations.
As it is said, a journey of a hundred mile begins with one step in the right direction. So, it is for us, if we want to be a vibrant and mission oriented community, every one of us is called to do something in the direction of the Kingdom: invite a friend or neighbor to worship with us, show a sign of welcome and joy to newcomers, show compassion to poor and concern to the sick members, be helpful to the elderly, respect and protect the younger ones and vulnerable. Briefly, let your gift received from the Holy Spirit shine and the Christ radiate in our community.