12th SUNDAY YEAR A REFLECTIONS Scripture: Matthew 10: 26-33; Romans 5: 12-15; Jeremiah 20:10-13 Fr. Benoit Mukamba, CSSp.
God is a father not only because Jesus is his only begotten Son, but also for his characteristics as a provider, a protector, a defender, a guide, and guardian. The human father draws one’s fatherhood from God and he is reminded constantly to learn from the Father, God in order that he may find happiness in one’s household. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers. Thank you for being there for your family. Peter and Smith went looking for jobs, they find a business that was hiring. Both entered the employment office just to encounter the very top boss at the desk. They made their intention known and the boss had two offers for them. The first job would last two weeks only for a lump sum of fifty-thousand dollars only. The second job would last several years but for an annual take-home of thirty-thousand dollars plus benefits.The two men paused for a moment and Smith said, ‘I know what I want’. The boss responded by asking Smith to write his choice down. After a little longer, Peter stepped up to jot down his intention. Finally, the boss unveiled the choices, Smith wanted a two weeks job and leave with his fifty-thousand quick cash. Peter had chosen long term employment.Who of the two men would have greater love and loyalty to his boss? I leave the answer to you. Satan promises are for quick joy and short-lived. God’s promise is for eternal happiness despite the temporal suffering now. By sending the Apostles to proclaim the Gospel, Jesus tells them not to fear, because he will be their support to his father. Thus God had promised the prophet, Jeremiah, to be his support against his enemies, he who delivers the poor from the power of the wicked.Why does Jesus exhort his disciples not to be afraid? And why Prophet Jeremiah declares his confidence and hopes to God’s support and protection? Jesus is aware of the evil in the world and the threat his disciples would experience in the process of proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom.However, the disciples are called to cooperate with the grace of God poured out in abundance for their eternal life. We, too, experience evil in our lives. But, the abundant grace given us through Jesus Christ is far greater than the condemnation brought about by sin. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” Matthew 10: 28A disciple of Jesus is called to have courage and zeal in the face of evil and wicked people as he/she fulfills the mission of Jesus. The reason for the disciple to be patient in suffering, never fearful but courageous and hopeful for their reward is greater than we can imagine.May the Holy Spirit enlighten your heart to long the greater and eternal happiness that Christ has prepared for you. For the Spirit who have received is not a spirit of cowardice but of power.